The Program Committee reserves the right to edit and reject submitted materials. In case of rejection of materials, the Program Committee will inform the main author individually.
The abstracts are sent in an attached file called "Abstracts", with the addition of the first author's last name and initials [for example: "Aristov A.V."]. Text in MS Word format (*.doc, *.docx) no more than 1 page, font Times New Roman 12, no formatting, no hyphenation, 1.0 spacing, paragraph indentation 1 cm. The keyboard layout for the corresponding languages (Russian, English) in Microsoft Word is used. The title, last names and initials of the authors must be duplicated in English.
A sample of the abstract format:
Численность и видовое разнообразие чайковых птиц Карелии
Сергеев А.А.1, Шишкин А.А.2
Wader abundance and species diversity in the forest-steppe of Western Siberia
Sergeev A.A., Shishkin A.A.
1.Алтайский государственный педагогический университет, Барнаул, Россия,
2.Природный парк «Тихая гавань», Кострома, Россия,
Исследование видового разнообразия чайковых севера Европейской части России проведено в период с 1970 г., их численности - с 1976 г. по настоящее время...
The main areas of the conference are: systematics, paleornithology and evolution, ecology, behavior, bioacoustics, preparation and publication of faunistic reports, dynamics of fauna and bird populations, demography and population biology, morphology and physiology, migration, protection of birds and their habitats, rational use, medical and aviation ornithology, birds and agriculture, synanthropization and urbanization of birds, popularization of ornithology and environmental education, ornithological tourism and birdwatching in Northern Eurasia.
Dates: 21.04.2025 – 24.04.2025.
Place: Kazan, Россия.
Organizers: Menzbier Ornithological Society, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Federal University, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems named after A.N. Severtsov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Union for the Conservation of Birds of Russia, Russian Society for the Conservation and Study of Birds named after M.A. Menzbier..