“Ornithology”, volume 45
Ornitologia, volume 45
D.R. Zhigir, Ya.A. Red’kin. About the existence of the Sakhalin subspecies of the Siberian Grouse (Falcipennis falcipennis muratai). P. 5–11
D.A. Yusupova, S.M. Artemyeva, A.D. Kirillova, A.K. Nikishina, E.S. Vasukov, Ya.A. Red’kin, E.A. Koblik, V.N. Burkanov. Avifauna of Tuleny island, Sea of Okhotsk. P. 12–28
V.A. Payevsky. Seasonal migrations and population dynamics of the Wood Lark (Lullula arborea) based on 60-year trapping and ringing
in the Eastern Baltic. P. 29–35.
E.L. Lykov. Origin of urban bird populations: geographic expansion or local urbanization (on the example of four species)? P. 36–53
T.A. Ilyina, E.V. Ivankina, A.B. Kerimov. Devices for protection of artificial next-boxes inhabited by small passerine birds from predators, and evaluation of their effectiveness. P. 54–61
A.V. Borodin, A.V. Kudinova, S.A. Anokhin, D.A. Uryutina, E.S. Vorobieva, A.S. Vorobiev. First record of Pallas’s Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) in Belarus. P. 62–63
G.M. Vinogradov, M.E. Mazurova. About breeding of Arctic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) and Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) in the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea. P. 63–67
E.G. Lobkov, E.E. Syroechkovskiy. Status of the Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) in Kamchatka avifauna. P. 67–69
A.A. Rusinov, N.V. Rusinova. Record of Baillon’s Crake (Porzana pusilla) in the Yaroslavl Region, Russia. P. 69–70
P.S. Tomkovich, D.S. Nizovtsev, A.P. Ivanov, E.Y. Loktionov, E.E. Syroechkovskiy. First confirmed record of the Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) in Russia. P. 70–73
A.A. Yakovlev. Second record of the Ring-Necked Duck (Aythya collaris) in Russia. P. 74
K.D. Kondrakova, Yu.M. Markin, K.A. Postelnykh, V.Yu. Ilyashenko, S. Pekarsky, R. Nathan, E.I. Ilyashenko. Movements of immature Eurasian Cranes (Grus grus) in the central European Russia. P. 75–81
V.I. Pozdnyakov. Record of a three-eggs clutch of the Red-throated Diver. P. 75–81
In memoriam
Alexander Andreev (12.11.1948 — 7.12.2020)
In memory of Vitaly Bianki (12.01.1926–26.06.2021)
Igor Dorogoy (23.09.1955–19.02.2021)
Anton Mezhnev (22.10.1963–8.01.2021)
II International Ornithological Conference “Problems of Urbanization and Synanthropization of Birds”
XV International Ornithological Conference of the Northern Eurasia
Resolution of the XV International Ornithological Conference of Northern Eurasia, dedicated to the memory of Academician M.A. Menzbier (1855–1935)
Appendix. A set of measures to protect birds from power lines.
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