White-tailed Eagle Online Tucholskie Forest
Since 2012, the Eagle Conservation Committee has been popularizing knowledge about their biology and protection thanks to internet cameras at bird nests.
The online broadcasting from the nest of the white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Bory Tucholskie is a joint project of the Eagle Conservation Committee, Woziwoda Forest District and Polish Radio S.A. promoting the protection of old forests and the largest Polish species of bird of prey — the white-tailed eagle.
The nest and the old forest within a radius of 200m are protected by a year-round protection zone, where no forestry works are carried out. Since white-tailed eagles are extremely cautious, it was only after many years that it was possible to launch the online transmission from the nest of our heraldic species for the third time. Previously, it only happened in the Kutno Forest District (2012) and the Dobrocin Forest District (2013). In the Woziwoda Forest District, members of the ECC placed a camera at the eagles' nest in mid-January 2021, before the birds started breeding, with the consent of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz.
The nest from which the transmission is carried out is located on a 140-year-old pine tree at an altitude of about 25 meters and has been occupied by birds for four years. One young man left them in 2021.
Earlier, eagles had been nesting since the late 1990s in a 160-year-old pine forest by one of the mid-forest fish lakes. At that time, they were encouraged to breed by an artificial osprey nest built by KOO volunteers. This nesting place of the white-tailed eagle has existed in the Woziwoda Forest District for at least 25 years!
Calendar of 2022
January — nest reconstruction.
March 3 — start of laying.
March 14 — intruder at the nest.
March 30 — you can see two eggs.
April 8 — first chick hatching.
April 10 — one chick and two eggs.
April 12 — two chicks and one egg.
April 14 — threesomes.
April 15 — cainism.
April 16 — the death of the third chick
6th and 10th day of chick life.
The male feeds the female.
100 minutes of night horror.
April 24 — nestling feeding order.
If you like watching camera photos and you want to donate for statutory purposes, visit the tabs on our website: 1% for the protection of eagles: http://www.koo.org.pl/1-na-ochrone-orlow, A cake for an osprey: http://www.koo.org.pl/o-koo/cegielka-dla-rybolowa. THANK YOU to everyone who will help to finance future online broadcasts and to those who donate, but the greatest satisfaction for us are your likes :-) ... and successful bird breeding!
Источник: Komitet Ochrony Orłów (Eagle Conservation Committee) http://www.koo.org.pl/
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