Atlas “The birds of Pamirs, Hissar, Alai and Tien Shan”
Atlas “The birds of Pamirs, Hissar, Alai and Tien Shan”

The digital edition of the first book from a series combines characters of scientific edition and photobook, devoted to the birds of remarkable mountain area. Totally, the 1st part of volume 1 presents 77 species breeding in the region and 33 non-residents species from orders Galliformes, Anseriformes, Gaviiformes, Podicipediformes, Phoenicopteriformes, Ciconiiformes, Pelecaniformes, Accipitriformes, and Falconiformes. Latin, Russian, English, Kigrhiz, Kazakh, Tajik, and Uzbek names for each species are given, as well type localities for all listed species and subspecies. First chapter of the book contains the checklist of resident taxa and essays in Russian and English about breeding birds species; each essay includes data distribution and regional status, typical habitats, life-history, general abundance, measurements of mature birds, and resident subspecies. All essays are illustrated with colour photographs of birds in a natural setting, typical biotopes, and for some species – photographs of its juveniles and nests with eggs. Information about spreading of (sub)species is presented on colour relief-shaded map. The second chapter contains the annotated list and colour photographs (in nature) of non-residents (sub) species (wintering, migrants, and visitors). The book also contains references, alphabetical indices for Latin, Russian, and English bird names, and selected photos reporting field expeditions of project participants. It is aimed to zoologists, regional lore specialists, nature protection employees, and all persons versant about birds.
The digital version of this magnificent atlas was posted on the Internet by its author, Sergey Toropov. The atlas is published in four books: two volumes, each in two parts. The digital version in very high resolution, therefore files turned out rather big, about 500 mB.
Link to download the file: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/JILkynmVn-qo8w.
Of course, downloading the digital book does not preclude you from buying the hard copy version of the Atlas. Such an edition is certainly a pleasure to hold in your hands, read and examine in detail the photographs taken by a plethora of excellent photographers, ornithologists and nature lovers, some of whom you may know personally.
All volumes of the Atlas on Yandex Disk:
The birds of Pamirs, Hissar, Alai and Tien Shan. Vol. 1. Non-passerines. Part 1. | The birds of Pamirs, Hissar, Alai and Tien Shan. Vol. 1. Non-passerines. Part 2. | The birds of Pamirs, Hissar, Alai and Tien Shan. Vol. 1. Passerines. Part 1. | The birds of Pamirs, Hissar, Alai and Tien Shan. Vol. 1. Passerines. Part 2. |
Sourse: Sergey Toropov's post on the Electronic Ornithologic Ornithological Library
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