Call for papers on the Red-footed Falcon

Within the framework of the "Bird of the Year" campaign and in honor of the bird of the year 2021 - the Red-footed Fawn - admission of materials to the thematic collection of articles is announced.

Call for papers

The collection will be an appendix to the Baikal Zoological Journal.

Materials are accepted until December 1, 2021.

Articles should be sent to Viktor Vasilyevich Popov by e-mail: The subject of the letter is "Red-footed Falcon".

Red-footed falcons (male and female). Source: Simple fauna.RU

Author rules

The editorial board of the Baikal Zoological Journal draws the attention of the authors to the need to observe the following rules.

1. Recommended font – 12 Times New Roman, single spacing; fields: top – 2.5cm; bottom – 2cm; on the left – 3cm; on the right – 1cm. All figures should be presented as a separate file in TIFF format. Diagrams, graphs and tables must be prepared in Word, Excel or Statistica and presented as separate files.

2. The volume of articles should not exceed 10 pages, reviews – 20 pages, short messages – 3 pages with illustrations, captions, tables, References and an Abstract (by agreement with the editors, articles of a larger size may also be accepted).

3. At the beginning of the first page write: UDC index, keywords (no more than 4), initials and surname of the author (s), title of the article, institution where the work was done, city. Then comes the text, References, Abstract in English. An abstract in Russian, tables, figures, captions in Russian and English are printed on separate sheets.

4. The presentation of the article should be clear, concise, without repetition and duplication in the text of these tables and figures. The article must be carefully verified by the authors. All letter designations and abbreviations should be expanded in the text.

5. All references in the articles must be carefully checked. There should be a link to the referenced list of references.

6. Abbreviations of words, names, titles (except for generally accepted abbreviations of measures, physical and mathematical quantities and terms) are not allowed. One must strictly adhere to the international nomenclature. Measurement units are given in the SI system.

7. The text indicates the location of figures and tables, indicating the number of the figure or table and their names.

8. The cost of publishing an article is 150 rubles per page.

9. The number of illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs) should be minimal (no more than 3 montages of photographs or drawings). Photos should be rectangular, high-contrast, in TIFF format, pictures should be clear, diagrams and graphs should be made in Word or Excel on a computer with output via a laser printer. All illustrations should be sent in one copy. On the back of a photograph and a pencil drawing, the number, the surname of the first author, the title of the article, the top and bottom are indicated. Micrographs should be given in the form of compact montages. In the captions to the micrographs the magnification and the coloring method are indicated. If the figure is given in the form of an installation, the details of which are indicated by letters, there must be a general signature to it and an explanation of all the numerical and letter designations on it.

10. Tables should be clear and compact. All tables are numbered with Arabic numerals and provided with headings. The maximum number of characters in the table is 65, including its head, counting each character, space, ruler as one character. The name of the table and the headings of the columns must exactly correspond to its content.

11. References in the text of the article are given by numbers in square brackets in accordance with the article list of references. The list of references does not include unpublished works and textbooks.

12. The reference list must be drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-84 with amendments dated July 1, 2000. Abbreviations of Russian and foreign words or phrases in the bibliographic description are allowed only in accordance with GOST 7.12-77 and 7.11-78.

13. An abstract is attached to the article, reflecting the main content of the work, no more than 15 typed lines in 1 copy in Russian and English. In the abstract in English, you must indicate: the title of the article, the names of all authors, the full name of the institution, as well as keywords. Also attached is information about the authors in Russian and English.

14. The editorial board reserves the right to shorten and correct the accepted works. Articles sent by the author for correction must be returned to the editor no later than a month after receiving with the changes made (plus a diskette with the corrected article). If the article is returned at a later date, the date of its receipt from the editorial office changes accordingly.

15. It is not allowed to send to the editorial office articles that have already been published or sent for publication to other journals.

16. Articles are reviewed by the editorial board.

17. Manuscripts not drawn up in accordance with these rules are not considered.

18. Manuscripts not accepted for publication are not returned to authors.

19. Proofreading is not sent to the authors, and all further verification is carried out by the editorial office against the original.

20. The author is fully responsible for the style of work and for the translation of the abstract.

Source: Russian Bird Conservation Union Title photo: Male Red footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) with rodent for fledgling, Kiskunsagi National Park, Pusztaszer, Hungary. Source:
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