The UNESCO - Al Fozan International Prize for the promotion of young scientists

A competition has been launched for the first UNESCO-Al-Fozan International Prize in support of young scientists specializing in the fields of natural sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The award is held every two years and is awarded to five laureates under the age of 40 in the amount of 50 thousand US dollars to each winner.

Applications must be submitted through the official website of the Prize in English or French no later than November 15, 2022 at the following link:

Candidates (no more than three per organization) can be recommended by UNESCO Member States through National Commissions for UNESCO, non-governmental organizations - partners of UNESCO, UNESCO Chairs, UNESCO Category 2 Centers, international scientific unions and universities. Nomination submissions submitted in the order of self-nomination are not accepted for consideration.

More detailed information about the conditions of participation, the application procedure and requirements for candidates is presented in the appendix. In case of interest, it is necessary to place an application on the official website of the Prize, as well as send to the Department of International Cooperation (including the email address by October 31, 2022, information about the applicants with contact details and a copy of the completed application with an explanation of which of the organizations listed above is nominating the candidate.

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